Avidity = enthusiasm and dedication and that describes why we founded this company.
We are passionately dedicated to helping businesses and people grow, stabilize or reinvent themselves.
There is nothing that invigorates us more than working with individuals and businesses who see the opportunity of Avidity + Co helping them to achieve their financial, strategic and career potential by capitalizing on their personal people strategy.
So what’s right for you? Check out our offerings and see what fits. It’s not a one shop stop we can create, customize, adjust and tweak. That’s what great people are about – being flexible, agile and ready for change.
“great people are about – being flexible, agile and ready for change.”
Antonia Jennings | Founder + Director

Antonia Jennings
I'm a people problem solver. My expertise is assisting businesses and their leaders to overcome the challenges of their greatest asset - their people.
I have been working in talent strategy for over 20 years and it is my undiluted desire to make this realization, that the people part, the hard part, is not so hard actually and should be the main priority of any business wanting to actualize their goals.
I am passionate about helping individuals find their true path, the one that gets them jumping out of bed in the morning to start the day. Coaching clients through career changes, return to work transitions, post redundancy transformations, no challenge is too big, we work together to ensure you’re able to see your full potential and set the goals you want to achieve.